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In Country Discovery

Before departing on our trip to Grenada, my class had learned about how proud the citizens of Grenada were of their country and the importance of the election that was taking place the week after we were to visit Grenada. I didn’t understand the extent of the pride Grenadians had toward their country until the moment we landed. Their national colors green, red, and yellow are painted everywhere, from tree trunks, to rocks, to tires on the side of the road. People from both political parties had parades through the parishes and played their political opinions on megaphones attached to cars. On every store side and street post was a poster for one of the political parties and people openly talked about political platforms as normal conversation. Their national pride is engrained into their culture and the citizens genuinely care about bettering their country. The people who live there always talk fondly of Grenada and while they realize Grenada has faults like any country, they speak highly of what they can do to fix these problems rather than just complain and belittle their country. The pride the citizens have for their country helps create a common unity to want to better Grenada and they have made a lot of progress since becoming independent. This impacted my study aboard experience by positively influencing my feelings toward Grenada and being proud of everything they have accomplished.

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